lunes, 27 de noviembre de 2017

Shops to buy clothes

Hi readers!

Today I´m going to talk about some of the best shops to buy clothes that are on trend this year.

I think this is going to be the last entry I'm going to write on this blog, as I have to deliver next week, I really liked to do this blog. Maybe I'll upload some entrance every month, in the comments you can put me some topic that you want me to talk.

Some of the best shops that we have in Spain are in the shopping centres. I´m going to talk about some of them.

- Stradivarius
- Bershka
- H&M
- Pull & Bear
- Shein
- Levis
- Cortefiel

lunes, 13 de noviembre de 2017

Consejos de moda para chicos

¡Hola chic@s!
Como ya habéis visto en las anteriores entradas he estado dando consejos de moda para chicas, pero hoy a petición de un amigo daré consejos de moda para chicos, en esto no estoy tan puesta como en la moda de chicas, pero he estado investigando en internet y he encontrado algunos consejos interesantes que me parecen buenos para esta entrada. Ya os adelanto que la siguente entrada será en inglés y os hablaré un poco sobre distintas tiendas a las que podrás ir y encontrar algunas de las prendas que he mencionado en las anteriores entradas.
¡Vamos allá!

La moda y el estilo no es solo cuestión de mujeres. Afortunadamente, los hombres cada vez tienen más en cuenta las prendas que se ponen y muchos de ellos son tan apasionados por este mundillo como puede serlo cualquier mujer. Si eres un chico y estás comenzando a preocuparte por la moda, te doy una serie de consejos para que puedas ir perfecto y puedas lucir siempre las mejores prendas y combinaciones. Toma nota:
– La mejor ropa es la que llevas de tu talla, así que elige siempre las prendas ajustadas pero sin que parezca que vas a explotar. Olvídate de llevar tallas de más y ponte camisetas Fit que van pegadas al cuerpo, te quedarán genial.

– Un look deportivo te quedará muy bien ya que a casi todos los chicos os queda bien. Procura llevar siempre algún elemento en negro, aunque sean los calcetines. Unos vaqueros y una camisa o camiseta, combinado con unas zapatillas deportivas, te darán un look muy sencillo pero fantástico y moderno.

Las prendas adicionales como pueden ser los jerseys o las chaquetas también son muy importantes, así que elige un par de estas piezas en colores o diseños fácilmente combinables para que puedas utilizarlas en diferentes estilos.

– No es recomendable que vayas solo de compras, especialmente si no estás muy metido en la materia. Tampoco vayas con tu madre, puede tener mucho gusto pero las madres siempre quieren vestirnos de forma diferente a como queremos ir en realidad. Lo mejor es que vayas con tu mejor amigo o con alguna mujer que te conozca y que entienda de moda.

– Los complementos y accesorios son muy importantes y te darán el toque final a cualquier estilo. No te cortes en ponerte una corbata cuando sea necesario. Las bufandas o pañuelos y gorros tanto en invierno como en verano se convertirán en uno de tus grandes atractivos.

– En tu fondo de armario deberás tener siempre un traje elegante, un par de vaqueros, un par de camisas, unos zapatos negros, unas zapatillas deportivas y un par de camisetas básicas en diferentes colores.

lunes, 6 de noviembre de 2017

How to choose and wear the right clothes that flatter you?

Hi readers!
Today i´m going to write this in english because mi tic´s teacher say us that we must do it. My entry of today talks about what to wear to make you estilicen more the body and make you thinner

Fashion is fickle and fashion trends keep changing with time. In this world where big brands are all set to woo people with their designer line, shopping is quite a task. Take a look around you and you have the widest range in all colors and one surely is spoiled for choice. Shopping is not easy when the options are aplenty. Even then, hard-core fashionistas swear that they don't follow fashion trends. The kind of fashion you opt for should suit your body shape and type. Different styles of clothing create different kinds of effects on people. The kind of colors one chooses should also blend well with the skin tone. Here are the different types of clothing gear and how to choose flattering styles.

How to Choose Clothes that Flatter You?
Take a peek into your wardrobe, it would mostly comprise jeans, T-shirts, cargos, dresses, and formal wear. But, you need to know that there is a technique in choosing these different kinds of clothing items. Here are some tips that would clear the basic doubts.

Jeans: Usually, you tend to pick up all the latest trends amongst jeans to fill your wardrobe. That's exactly where you are going wrong. Jeans with bootcuts or flared legs are not meant for women with heavy thighs. It would only add more weight to the look. You can opt for jeans with a normal, casual fit and team it with tunics. Skinny leg jeans suit ladies with a tall and slender figure, but, if you are on the shorter side, team it with heels.

Jackets and Coats: A good jacket is surely a great option on a cold morning. Avoid picking up a jacket that is twice your size. If you are overweight, it will make you appear larger. Opt for fitting silhouettes in muted colors so that it matches with a majority of your clothing items. Avoid loud designs at the workplace.

Dresses and Skirts: Dresses and skirts are the best choice if you wish to look feminine. Be it really long or flowing or the tiny short numbers, dresses and skirts can bring out the best in you. Halter styles are fine for dresses, if you have beautiful shoulders and a great back. However, if you are quite broad-shouldered, you can opt for a boat neck or styles that take the attention away from the area. Dresses and skirts that are too short are fine for women with great legs but in case you have heavy thighs, you can opt for a dress that has a side slit and only shows a hint of a leg.

Formal Pants and Shirts: A professional is not complete without the right formal attire. Choose the right fit that complements your personality. Avoid low waists at work and choose shirts that are well-structured. Avoid deep necks and ruffles if you are on the heavier side.

Tops and Tunics: Tank tops are fine for those with a flat midriff however, you can opt for waist-length stylish tops that blend well with your denims. Peasant tops go well with skirts and can suit any person. T-shirts are best kept for casual occasions. As party wear, if you want to avoid halters and too much of skin show, tunics are the best option as they can be paired with leggings. These look smart, cool, and casual.

Keep the aforementioned tips in mind the next time you go shopping. You can then flaunt the 'new you' in style.

Shops to buy clothes

Hi readers! Today I´m going to talk about some of the best shops to buy clothes that are on trend this year. I think this is going to be...